Sunday, December 23rd promises to be filled with JOY! We will have ONE worship service beginning at 10 a.m. that will include our children’s Christmas pageant as well as Holy Communion. The children are very excited!!!! Following worship, the annual Hanging of the Greens will begin at about 11:30 a.m. Volunteers are needed to put up the Christmas trees, set up the nativity set, assemble candles/holders, set up the iron candlesticks, change banners, and hang the garland. This is a great family activity for one and all. A pizza lunch will be provided along with gluten-free alternatives. You are invited to take part in decorating the sanctuary as we prepare for the birth of the Christ child! (Help will also be needed with “un-decorating” on January 6th at noon). Please notify our Parish Administrator, Sonya Sowards, at (610) 933-3947 or [email protected] if you plan to attend. (It helps us to be sure enough pizza is ordered.)