Adult Education

Growing in God’s love means that we are constantly growing in our knowledge of God and God’s world. On Sunday mornings there are several learning opportunities for adults to choose. During the week two lively Bible studies take place. There are special forums, retreats and faith forming experiences within and beyond the congregation.  All groups always welcome new members.  Learn something new today!

Adult Sunday Morning Learning
9:00 a.m. (September through May)

Happy Hour
This adult group picked the name “Happy Hour,” not because it’s a time to indulge in alcoholic beverages, but because they are “happy” their children are engaged in Sunday school where they learn about God’s love for them and the world. They are also happy because they have time together to explore God’s Word and to share the joys and challenges of their most important ministry – parenting!  Leadership is shared and the discussion is always interesting.

biblesSunday Morning Book Club
Do you love to read? Perhaps the Sunday Morning Book Club is for you. Each year the club formulates a list of books to read and then gathers weekly for a time of discussion and support. Beyond Sunday morning the Club enjoys evenings at the movies, particularly films on books they have read together.

Faith Life
Faith Life is for those who want to think deeply about what’s happening in the world in relationship to their faith. This weekly discussion is coordinated by our Dean of Education, Jack Ertell, and is led by people from a variety of specialties including science, politics, education, and health care.

Other Sunday morning classes
Some adult classes are offered for shorter sessions throughout the program year (September through May).  Recent offerings have included “Embrace Grace,”  “Bad Girls of the Bible,”  “Women of Easter,” “Luther and the Reformation” and “Always Re-forming” in celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

More Adult Learning Opportunities:

Our Wednesday Evening Bible Study is from 7 to 8 pm, and meets in the Pastor’s office at St. John’s. A reading from the upcoming Sunday is the focus of the group. New people are very welcome!

If you are interested in starting another study on a different day or time, please contact our Parish Administrator, Sonya Sowards, at or (610) 933-3947 ext. 2.