Coventry Singers

The Coventry Singers will present their Christmas concert “December in My Hometown” at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 8th  at St. John’s.  The concert features Dietrich Buxtehude’s Cantata Das neugebor’ne Kindelein BuxWV 13 (the newborn babe, the heavenly child) with strings and classical and traditional Christmas works by Johann Pachelbel,  Dan Forrest, John Rutter, and Pinkzebra.

Conductor Cheryl Markofski is a graduate of Florida State University with a master of music degree who has done graduate work in voice performance at the University of Texas.   She taught music at the Owen J. Roberts Middle School and is a noted soloist and voice coach.  Accompanist Eleanor Lundy, a member of St. John’s, began playing the piano by ear in early childhood.  She has taught piano and served churches in New England and eastern Pennsylvania for many years as a choir director and organist.  She is a graduate of Rosemont College.

The Coventry Singers is a community choral organization of auditioned singers who perform diverse and challenging choral music.  Over its 50-year history, the group has performed major choral works, including those of Handel, Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Rutter, and Finzi.  The Coventry Singers concert programs also include lighter works, both sacred and secular, with a frequent dose of humor.  The number of performers ranges from 30 to 40 and includes people of all walks of life.  Some have professional musical experience, some are or have been teachers of music, but many are people who just like to sing and welcome musical challenges.

The concert is free and all are welcome.  A freewill offering will be accepted.