Easter Vigil is a special night. A moment for some of the greatest stories of our faith heritage unfurled in one setting. In hearing these stories, we connect with the heart of our own faith story. As the people of God, we have throughout history ached in suffering, celebrated in praise, begged for help, offered generous service, and in general led lives full to the brim. The stories of the Easter Vigil remind us of the range of faithful moments, including both joy and desolation. Witnessing these ancient stories, we discover anew how God’s great story is for us. These stories are indeed our stories. God brings us through fire and water, out of death and night, welcoming us into the light of life. This night we light a new Christ candle from a new fire. By the light of that flame we gather to remember who we are and where we have come from. We gather at the baptismal font where three children will be washed with the waters of grace and life. We remember how we were given new life through the water of baptism and how on the first Easter Christ welcomed Mary: calling her by name, bringing her out of weeping into the joyous light of Easter morning. Through the drama of Easter Vigil, we are invited to honest reflection and real renewal. On this night we remember that God’s great story holds all of our little stories: the joy and fear of a new baby, changing jobs, cancer, celebrating friendship, waiting for new faith to emerge. All of us are written into God’s ongoing and welcoming narrative of passionate grace and service.