Last year, when we celebrated the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, St. John’s coordinated the showing of the new movie Martin Luther: The Idea That Changed the World at the Colonial Theatre. The show was sold out! Now, this year for the 501st anniversary of the Reformation, we are showing the same movie in the Fireside Room on Saturday, October 27th. We’ll begin with a covered dish supper (perhaps some German food and the special Reformation Beer “Heavenly Indulgences” once again brewed by Iron Hill) at 6 p.m., followed by the movie beginning at about 6:45 p.m. The participants of The WAY, our newcomers’ group, are especially invited, but so are you!! Please RSVP via the Yellow Communication Card or by contacting our Parish Administrator, Sonya Sowards, at (610) 933-3947 or [email protected]. It’s a very fine movie, one not to be missed!