Events (Page 14)

Rally Day: Faith Formation Resumes, new High School Class Added

The first day of Faith Formation classes for children and adults will be September 18th. Rally Day celebrations for all children and adult classes will begin in the sanctuary. Parents are encouraged to attend to meet their children’s teachers.  During the exciting brief program (10-15 minutes) Sunday school teachers for both adult and children’s’ classes…

Lutheran World Relief Backpacks

Lutheran World Relief accepts donations of “school kit” backpacks which they distribute around the globe to school-aged children ( The St. John’s children’s Sunday school plans to assemble LWR backpacks on Sunday, October 16, 2022.  We hope to make another 100 bags this year. We need:  349 70-sheet notebooks (wide or college rule)  75 30-cm…

First Bible

All 3rd graders and a parent are invited to attend First Bible classes taught be Kelly Gallagher. The children will receive their First Bibles before taking the classes.  They will receive their First Bibles on Saturday, September 17th during Evening Light at 5 pm or as part of the 10:15 a.m. service on Sunday, September…

Mission Trip

Please pray for our youth and adults on our ASP mission trip this week. To find out more about Appalachia Service Project, visit

Graduate Sunday

Celebrate all our graduates with us! We will honor graduates of high school, college, graduate programs and technical programs.

Pentecost with Confirmation

Please join us in worship on June 5th to celebrate Pentecost and the confirmation of five outstanding 8th graders.  The five are Nathaniel and Lucas Becker, Trevor O’ Neill, Dylan Oszeyczik, and Lizzy Strunk.  Thank you to their guides Kyle Oszeyczik, and Alison Andrews. Don’t forget to wear red!

Holy Week at St. John’s – click here for list of services

all services will be live-streamed except the Easter Vigil and the 8 a.m. Easter Sunday service Palm SundaySunday, April 10, 202210:15 a.m. Maundy ThursdayThursday, April 14, 20227:30 p.m. Good FridayFriday, April 15, 20227:30 p.m. Easter VigilSaturday, April 16, 20227:30 p.m. Easter SundaySunday, April 17, 20228 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.

MLK Prayer Breakfast

The Community Prayer Breakfast is a special event held in Phoenixville each year.  This year’s topic is “Social Justice in a Divided World.”  The keynote address will be given by Reverend Mark Kelly Tyler, pastor of Mother Bethel AME Church in Philadelphia.  This is a hybrid event, so if you prefer to attend in person…

Women of the ELCA

WELCA will meet on April 26th at 10:30 a.m.  Jack Ertell will present a program on the history of Phoenixville schools.  Mark your calendar now and plan to attend this informative meeting.