Events (Page 17)

Reformation Sunday with Confirmation

On Reformation Sunday, October 31st our 9th grade confirmands will be confirmed during worship.  You’ll want to tune in on the livestream or come in person to witness these young people affirm their faith and join the church.  Don’t forget to wear red!


We’re expecting a visit from Toni and Buzz Hadfield with Charlie and Sadie the therapy dogs.  The dogs have missed visiting during COVID and could use some loving and we could too.

School Supplies for Lutheran World Relief

The St. John’s children’s Sunday school plans to assemble LWR backpacks on Sunday, October 17, 2021.  We hope to make another 100 bags this year. We will start collecting items on July 1st. Here’s what we need: · 70-sheet notebooks (wide or college rule)  · 30-cm rulers (inches on one side and centimeters on the    other)…

Come one, come all to Rally Day 2021!

Our program year will kick off with a bang this year–please join us for food, fun and fellowship! Click this link to let us know if your family will be attending the picnic: Rally Day Picnic 2021 (

Graduation Sunday

On Graduation Sunday we honor all our graduates and wish them well on their next adventures. Congratulations to all St. John’s grads!

St. Mary’s Shelter

We’re providing food for St. Mary’s Shelter for the first week in June (May 31st – June 4th).  Thank you for helping our neighbors in need!

Women of the ELCA

All women of St. John’s are welcome to attend our next WELCA meeting for fun, fellowship and to prepare packets for our children for Vacation Bible School!

Pentecost with Confirmation

Easter joy will turn into the birth of the Church on Pentecost.  On May 23rd, the rite of confirmation will occur during Sunday morning worship for three 9th graders:  , Bryce Absher, Zachary Brown, and Nicholas VanDerVeer.  Their guide was Danielle Blackledge.  We hope you will join us for worship that day in person or…

Spring Clean Up April 16-18 & 23-25

Spring is officially here and we are preparing to clean up and mulch the gardens around the church. It’s a great opportunity to get some fresh air and exercise while serving your church! Tasks include raking, weeding, and raking through the old mulch in preparation for laying down new mulch the following weekend. All these activities…

Vacation Bible School

Join us for our outdoor Vacation Bible School! Sign up at VBS Registration (