Events (Page 19)

Ash Wednesday

Our Ash Wednesday service will be available on our YouTube channel. Pastor Wayne will be present in the circle driveway from 10 a.m. to 12 noon for the imposition of ashes to those who drive up.  Ashes will be given in a safe manner and participants are asked to wear a face mask while getting…

Annual Meeting

St. John’s Annual Report will be available to the congregation on February 7th.  Please plan to attend the annual meeting (virtually) on February 28th!

Zoom Cooking Class

Our 2nd Annual Cook-Off is on hold till 2022, but in its place is a chance to whip up a tasty dish.  Join us for a live cooking class on Zoom.  You can cook along with a member of St. John’s as they share their family favorite recipe with you.  Stay tune for more details…

Food Drive for PACS

Phoenixville Area Community Services (PACS) is the local lead agency responsible for assessing needs and providing access to healthy foods.  Since COVID-19 has arrived, PACS has seen a 5x increase in needs.  We at St. John’s can respond to serve our community by participating in an Advent food drive.  A listing of most-needed items  can…

Lessons and Carols

Lessons and Carols will be pre-recorded and available to watch on YouTube.  Hear the lessons and then join with us from home to sing the familiar carols which tell the story of Baby Jesus.

St. John’s Building Closed

At the recommendation of our Bishop, the Governor, and our parishioner who is an epidemiologist, St. John’s building is closed. Please go to our YouTube channel to worship with us every week. In-person worship will resume the weekend of March 6th/7th with recommended protocols in place (live-streamed worship will continue to be available as well).…

Angel Tree

Since the building is closed, we’re being creative with our Angel Tree project this year.  Photos of our crafted ornaments are on our Facebook Family & Friends page.  Just let Sonya Sowards know which one(s) you’d like to take home, drop off a donation and take home a beautiful ornament!  Contact Sonya at (610) 933-3947…

WELCA Collection for Gemma Services (formerly Silver Springs-Martin Luther School)

Congregational support is needed for WELCA’s annual gifts to Silver Springs-Martin Luther School (now called Gemma Services).  Please place items in the bin in the narthex. Requested items include: Lego sets Playing cards Rubik cubes UNO games Hair brushes Combs Nail polish Lip gloss Lip balm Crayons Markers Colored pencils Coloring books Journals (no lock/not…

Advent Begins

Advent begins the weekend of November 28th and 29th and we will prepare for the birth of Christ for the four weeks leading up to Christmas Eve.  Each week, one more candle will be lit on the Advent wreath and one more large candle banner will grace the sanctuary.  Even the manger awaits the Christ…

Worship at Home or in Our Parking Lot on Christmas Eve!

The Christmas Eve Children’s Service has been filmed in advance so that you can watch it with your family on Christmas Eve at 4 p.m. Before watching, gather enough glow sticks (or battery operated candles) for everyone in your family for “Silent Night” and have a creche (manger scene) or a picture of one available…