Events (Page 20)

WELCA Collection for Gemma Services (formerly Silver Springs-Martin Luther School)

Congregational support is needed for WELCA’s annual gifts to Silver Springs-Martin Luther School (now called Gemma Services).  Please place items in the bin in the narthex. Requested items include: Lego sets Playing cards Rubik cubes UNO games Hair brushes Combs Nail polish Lip gloss Lip balm Crayons Markers Colored pencils Coloring books Journals (no lock/not…

Advent Begins

Advent begins the weekend of November 28th and 29th and we will prepare for the birth of Christ for the four weeks leading up to Christmas Eve.  Each week, one more candle will be lit on the Advent wreath and one more large candle banner will grace the sanctuary.  Even the manger awaits the Christ…

Worship at Home or in Our Parking Lot on Christmas Eve!

The Christmas Eve Children’s Service has been filmed in advance so that you can watch it with your family on Christmas Eve at 4 p.m. Before watching, gather enough glow sticks (or battery operated candles) for everyone in your family for “Silent Night” and have a creche (manger scene) or a picture of one available…

Stewardship Sunday

Our annual Stewardship Sunday will be November 15, 2020.  This year’s campaign is called “God’s Gift To Us . , , Our Gift to God.”  We are urged to remember all the great things that God gives us and does for us every day by pledging to give some of our treasures back to God and the church so…

First Bible Begins

First Bible classes for 3rd-4th graders begin October 18th! Bibles will be presented to students on November 7th and 8th. Please contact Jen Wentworth, Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministries, to sign up.

Meet Pastor Wayne

Pastor Wayne will be available to meet groups in the Fireside Room on October 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th for the hour preceding worship. In-person groups are limited to 8 persons. He will also be available via Zoom on Tuesday, September 29th, and Wednesday, September 30th, at 7:00 p.m. The Zoom links will be sent to all members on September 28th. Please…

All Saints

Join us for All Saints worship beginning in the columbarium on October 31st and November 1st as we remember the saints that have gone before us.  Our saints will be listed in the bulletin and remembered with a tolling of a bell during the services.  On Sunday morning a bagpiper will lead us into the…


503 years after Martin Luther’s brave act of nailing his 95 theses to the church door, we will celebrate The Reformation on October 24th and 25th. Whenever and however you worship, please wear red to remember Luther and this church festival!

Sunday morning fall/winter schedule begins

On September 13th we begin our regular fall/winter schedule with Christian education classes for all ages (most via Zoom), and in-person worship at 10:15 a.m. Our online service will continue to be available after 3 p.m. on Saturdays. Evening Light will also continue in person at 5 p.m. on Saturday evenings. Please wear a mask…

Backpacks for Lutheran World Relief

Lutheran World Relief accepts donations of “school kit” backpacks which they distribute around the globe to school-aged children (  The St. John’s children’s Sunday school plans to assemble LWR backpacks on Sunday, September 27, 2020.  We hope to make 100 bags this year.  We need: · 70-sheet notebooks (wide or college rule)  · 30-cm rulers (inches on…