Events (Page 21)

Pastor Krommes’ Retirement

On this retirement weekend for Pastor Cynthia Krommes we will give thanks to God for our 24 years of life together as pastor and people of St. John’s.  Note:  there are three services this weekend—Saturday, Evening Light at 5 p.m., Sunday Holy Communion at 8 a.m. and Sunday Holy Communion at 10 a.m. 

Confirmation Sunday

On this Confirmation Sunday—postponed from Pentecost on May 31st because of COVID-19—how appropriate it is that our Gospel reminds us that Jesus is with us through the storms of life, even when we are full of fear.  Let us rejoice as Luke, Evan, Nathan, Andrew and Jason affirm their baptisms and are confirmed in faith! 

Register for Virtual VBS by June 5th!

You are invited to sign up for VBS Your Way using Sparkhouse’s Summer Splash curriculum.  There will be five Bible stories for you to do all in one week or spread throughout the summer; perhaps saving them for a rainy day or when it is too hot to go outside.  Each Bible story will be…

Trinity Sunday – Celebration of Graduates

Click here to view the service in its entirety.While the word “trinity” is not found anywhere in theBible, just about every week we begin our worshipwith: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love ofGod, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be withyou all. More than a doctrine, the Trinity expressesthe heart of…


Our first reading from Acts 2 for this weekend begins:  “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place . . . .”  We won’t be “together in one place,” but we do know that God is with us, blessing us and empowering us to share love with others. We will be missing the…

Easter Sunday

Click here to worship with us! “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” God has indeed raised from the dead the one who was put to death “by hanging him on a tree.”  Alleluia! God allows Jesus to appear “to us who were chosen by…

Good Friday

Join us via YouTube (click the icon above). On this day we go to the cross with Jesus as we hear the passion of our Lord according to the Gospel of John.  As each portion of the scripture is read, candles are extinguished and lights turned off until all is darkness.  At the cross we…

Maundy Thursday

Just as Jesus and his disciples did we will gather for a meal on the night in which our Lord is betrayed.  We begin with the washing of hands and a shared meal including bread and wine.  Then we strip the altar and leave in silence in preparation for Good Friday. If we cannot physically…

Worship online during COVID-19

St. John’s building is currently closed but, if all goes well with the mitigation efforts put in place by our community leaders, we hope to reopen on July 1st. In the meantime,  Click here for worship services on our YouTube channel. Please feel free to send any prayer requests to Sonya Sowards at [email protected] or…

Bear Creek Sunday-POSTPONED

Check out registration for Bear Creek Camp online at  Camperships from St. John’s are available.  Please speak with Jen Wentworth for more information.