Events (Page 23)

Christmas Lessons and Carols

This year at our worship on the fifth day of Christmas, Sunday, December 29th at 10:15 a.m., we will sing the glorious carols of Christmas and hear the sacred texts of the Bible that reveal the wonder of the gift of the Christ Child. We will also receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.  (Evening Light…

Christmas Pageant

Everyone is invited to join us for our annual Christmas pageant presented by the children of St. John’s on December 22nd during 10:15 worship–bring your friends and family!

Phoenixville Holiday Parade

You are invited to walk with St. John’s in the Phoenixville Holiday Parade on December 6th! We’ll meet at the church by 5:30 for pizza and arrange carpooling to the starting point.  Sign up at so we know how much pizza to order.

Surrey Concert

You are invited to a Surrey Concert here at St. John’s!  The group is led by our member, Linda Landis, and provides a wonderful concert featuring a mixed chorus of 40 singers, a hand-chime choir and an instrumental ensemble.  The program will include both secular and sacred numbers in a variety of styles as well…

Winds of the PCO

The winds of The Providence Chamber Orchestra present a program of music featuring Richard Strauss’s Serenade, Op. 7, and Charles Gounod’s Petite Symphonie, both composed specifically for winds (flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, and French horns.)  Also included on the program will be transcriptions of music by W. A. Mozart, Franz Schubert, and Sir Arthur Sullivan. Plan now to attend this concert of…

An Advent Reflection of Music, Song & Poetry

Composer and pianist Thomas Keesecker will lead us in an inspirational hour of piano music, reflection, poetry, laughter, and hymn singing featuring his collection of Advent piano music, The Quiet Center. Think of it as the George Winston and Garrison Keillor show! In 2010 Tom composed Sing to the Lord a New Song dedicated to former organist Joseph J. Lewis and music…

1st Sunday of Advent

Please join our preK through 6th grade Sunday school students in Kley Hall where they will be led by our Confirmation students in learning about Advent and Christmas.  The children will also design Christmas cards to be mailed to our new neighbors, inviting them to worship with us on Christmas Eve. 

Community Thanksgiving Worship

Pastor Bret Burton of the Phoenixville Seventh Day Adventist Church will serve as our preacher.  Offering will be directed to the Phoenixville Clergy Association Emergency Fund and food donations will also be received for the PACS Food Bank for our neighbors in need.  Don’t miss this wonderful Phoenixville Community tradition!

Angel Tree Creativity

Join us for a time of intergenerational fellowship, learning and creativity as we hear about the important ministry we support at the Lutheran Secondary School for MaaSae Girls in Monduli, Tanzania.  Every year, the St. John’s Angel Tree is the way we raise scholarship money for the five “St. John’s Girls” we support at the…

Stewardship Sunday

Living, Growing, Sharing: TOGETHER” is our 2019 stewardship theme.  From our St. John’s mission statement, it defines who we are and what we do in mission and ministry. This year stewardship weekend will be November 16th & 17th with the Rev. Wilbert ‘Wilk” Miller serving as our preacher at both Saturday Evening Light and Sunday morning worship.  Pastor Miller is recently retired,…