Events (Page 26)

Vacation Bible School

This year’s Vacation Bible School, “To Mars and Beyond” begins on Monday, June 17th at 9 a.m. and concludes at 12 noon on Friday, June 21st.  Register today at

Confirmation Blessings!

On Sunday, June 9th, seven of our young people will affirm their Baptism through the rite of Confirmation.  They will be presenting their “faith statements” as the sermon that day.  Let us give thanks for parents keeping baptismal promises, for a congregation that keeps them too, for our terrific guides and especially for all our…

Congratulations Graduates!

On Sunday, June 2nd at our 9 a.m. worship, we will rejoice in the graduation of all of our students from high school, college and trade schools. Please contact Sonya Sowards at (610) 933-3947 or [email protected] if you have a student to be included.

Youth & Family Car Wash

Is your car dirty with pollen?  Drop your car off with our youth, and while you worship, they will wash your car!  Donations will be accepted for the car wash, which benefits our youth mission trip fund.

Sunday School Celebration

On Sunday, May 19th we will celebrate a wonderful year of Sunday school at St. John’s with a breakfast and games.  Everything begins at 9:30 a.m. in Kley Hall.  Information will be sent home with the children about how parents can help with the food and fun.  While you are enjoying breakfast you can also…

Psalms and Spirituals – St. John’s Choir & Friends concert

On Sunday, May 5th, at 7:00 p.m., 55 singers from 24 area churches join together in the 29th annual St. John’s Choir & Friends concert.  This year’s program, entitled “Psalms and Spirituals,” features Psalm settings by John Ness Beck, Randall Thompson, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and César Franck and Spirituals including Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, There is…

Welcome and Farewell

On the weekend of April 27th and 28th we will welcome ten new members to our community of faith!  You are invited to the Newcomers’ Brunch beginning Sunday, April 28th at noon in Kley Hall.  At the brunch we will also honor and thank Debbie Gordon, our seminarian from the United Lutheran Seminary in Philadelphia.  Debbie has been a wonderful blessing to…

Palm Sunday

Oftentimes, to grasp the fullness of something significant, we have to look at both sides.  So it is that to approach the meaning of Christ, we have to say two things:  Jesus and Christ; human and divine; death and resurrection; bread and body.  This weekend we begin by praising Christ with the song of the…

Confirmation Retreat

Cape May . . . here we come! On Friday, May 3rd at 6 p.m. our 7th, 8th and 9th grade confirmation students, along with their guides will meet at the church to head “down the shore” for the week-end for their spring retreat.  (Please pray for nice, warm weather.)  The theme of the retreat…