Events (Page 30)

First Communion Bread Baking

When children are baptized parents, godparents and the whole congregation promise to raise them in the faith and specifically to bring them to the table of grace—Holy Communion. Some of our children receive Holy Communion when they are quite young. Others do so after a period of instruction that is provided in fifth grade. On…

First Communion Bread Baking

When children are baptized parents, godparents and the whole congregation promise to raise them in the faith and specifically to bring them to the table of grace—Holy Communion. Some of our children receive Holy Communion when they are quite young. Others do so after a period of instruction that is provided in fifth grade. On…

Thanksgiving Weekend Intergenerational Sunday School

On Thanksgiving weekend the first through sixth grade Sunday school students will meet in Kley Hall where they will be led by our Confirmation students in learning about Advent and Christmas. The children will also design Christmas cards to be mailed to our new neighbors, inviting them to worship with us on Christmas Eve. Younger…

Newcomers’ Welcome and Brunch

On the weekend of October 13th and 14th, twelve adults and children knocked on the church door and asked to become part of the WAY—our newcomers’ group at St. John’s. (If you missed this and want to join St. John’s, there will be another The WAY beginning on March 10, 2019). Since then the children…

Angel Tree Creativity

Join us for a time of intergenerational fellowship, learning and creativity as we hear about the important ministry we support at the Lutheran Secondary School for MaaSae Girls in Monduli, Tanzania. Every year, the St. John’s Angel Tree is the way we raise scholarship money for the five “St. John’s Girls” we support at the school.…

Phoenixville Area Community Services 12th Annual Empty Bowls Event

Please join us at the Technical College High School—Pickering Campus for a simple meal of soup and bread, and help fight hunger in our community. For tickets or more information call (610) 933-1105 ext. 214 or click Your support of Empty Bowls and PACS makes a meaningful difference, not just in providing essential food…

Phoenixville Gun Violence Awareness Day

In memory of God’s children, join St John’s and other Phoenixville area faith communities in a memorial walk to honor the lives lost to gun murders and to appeal for more effective laws and regulations to stop illegal trafficking in handguns. 4:00 p.m.—St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 121 Church Street, Phoenixville. Educational forum and call to…

All Saints’ Sunday

It has become our tradition to begin All Saints’ Sunday worship in the St. John’s Columbarium Garden. Following a bagpiper we process to the garden and by the rock foundation, remember our baptisms. We then follow the piper into the sanctuary where we worship with all the saints of every time and place and especially…

Trunk or Treat!

Join us for St. John’s Trunk or Treat! This is a fun way for kids to gather goodies and for families to work together in transforming the family car into a trunk full of treasures. We have seen such creative ideas the past two years and look forward to seeing just how imaginative folks can…