Events (Page 34)

Happy Hour Gathering

It’s time for another Happy Hour Happy Hour! Our Second Authentic Happy Hour, sponsored by the Sunday Morning Happy Hour group will be Friday, March 16th beginning at 6 p.m. in Kley Hall. Happy Hour is a group of parents who come together for spiritual and social connections . . . and you and your family are invited! You…

Phoenixville Community Prayer Breakfast

For 24 years the Phoenixville Area Social Concerns Committee has held a Community Prayer Breakfast on the first Saturday in April in memory of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This year’s breakfast will be on Saturday, April 7th beginning at 8 a.m. in the Phoenixville Area Middle School Cafeteria. The theme is “The Value of Diversity” with the Rev. Jim…

Leadership Morning

St. John’s is blessed with a cadre of faithful congregational leaders! Let us thank God for them! On Saturday, March 3rd our congregational council and committee/team leaders will gather for a morning of discernment, conversation, prayer and planning from 9 a.m. to 12 noon in the Eisenhower Room. Please keep them and our whole congregation in…

Iron Hill Give 20 Event

Help our youth fund their ASP servant trip to Kentucky . . . and have a great night out in Phoenixville. Go to Iron Hill for lunch or dinner on April 16th, and present them with a Give 20 coupon. 20% of your food bill will help our youth participate in the Appalachia Service Project…

Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt

Please bring your appetites and your baskets and join us on Saturday, March 24th for St. John’s annual Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt. First, enjoy a delicious meal at 9:00 a.m., prepared and served by our talented youth and adult helpers, and then at 10:00 a.m. watch the little ones seek out and find…

WELCA Retreat: Do You See Who God Sees?

In the book of Isaiah we read, “The Lord delights in you.” (Isaiah 62:4) The dictionary defines delight as joy, extreme satisfaction, or something giving great pleasure. The Lord, our Creator, not only loves us, but rejoices over us and takes great delight in us, having created us in God’s image . . . created…

Wednesday Evening Community Lent Worship

Wednesday Evening Community Lent Worship All Services begin at 7:30 pm go to for more information Jesus: Light of the World February 21 at St. Ann Roman Catholic Church 604 South Main Street, Phoenixville Rev. Eric Woodworth of Charlestown United Methodist, preacher Jesus: Bread of Life February 28 at First United Methodist Church 865…

Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting—February 25th 0ur annual meeting will take place in the context of worship on Sunday, February 25th beginning at 9:30 a.m. On that day we will celebrate Holy Communion with preaching at 8 a.m. in the sanctuary as we regularly do. Coffee Hour (really coffee half-hour) will begin at 9 a.m. in Kley Hall.…

Bear Creek Sunday

Students from 1st – 12th grades and their parents are invited to Kley Hall to learn more about Bear Creek Camp. The camp’s director, Dan Scharnhorst, will join us during the Sunday school hour to have fun and answer any questions you might have. Also, Bear Creek has a great family camp scheduled this year…

Cake Wars

You and your family are welcome to join us for St. John’s Cake Wars! Teams will be given pre-selected supplies to decorate a sheet cake in 30 minutes or less. The theme will be a surprise. All ages are welcome and we’ll be done in plenty of time for the Super Bowl. RSVP to [email protected]