Events (Page 36)

Phoenixville Community Thanksgiving Eve Worship

This year’s Phoenixville Community Thanksgiving Eve worship will be at St. Ann’s Chapel in PHoenixville. Rabbi Jeffrey Sultar of B’nai Jacob Synagogue will serve as the preacher for this interfaith service. Guests are invited to bring canned/dry goods for the Food Pantry at Phoenixville Area Community Services. Monetary offering will be distributed by the Phoenixville…

Providence Chamber Orchestra in Concert!

The thirty-member Providence Chamber Orchestra presents its first concert of the 2017-2018 season at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 19th, at St. John’s. Tom Snyder, Director of Music at St. John’s conducts the ensemble. Performed will be Theme and Variations for strings by Alexander Glazunov, Christoph Gluck’s Overture to Iphigenia in Aulis, Franz Schubert’s March Militaire Op. 51 No. 1, and featuring…

Thanksgiving Dinner

On Saturday, November 18th, Evening Light Worship begins at 5 p.m. in the sanctuary. Our St. John’s Thanksgiving dinner follows at 6 p.m. The Fellowship Committee provides the feast and welcomes gifts of sides and desserts. You are invited to come either to worship at 5 p.m. or dinner at 6 or BOTH! Guests are…

Angel Tree Creativity

Join us for a time of intergenerational fellowship, learning and creativity as we hear about the important ministry we support at the Lutheran Secondary School for MaaSae Girls in Monduli, Tanzania. Every year, the St. John’s Angel Tree is the way we raise scholarship money for the five “St. John’s Girls” we support at the school.…

All Saints Weekend

On All Saints’ Weekend, November 4th and 5th, we give thanks for the saints of every time and every place and especially remember those saints who have died in the past year. It is a “mini-Easter” in which we rejoice in the gift of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the promise…

Young at Heart October Gathering

As part of our celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, Young at Heart will receive a visit from the “Father of American Lutheranism” – PASTOR HENRY MELCHOIR MUHLENBERG! He’ll be “brought to life” by Pastor Tom Kochenderfer on Wednesday, October 18. Pastor Kochenderfer has frequently played the role of Muhlenberg in the Trappe/Collegeville…

PACS Empty Bowls

Please join us for a simple meal of soup and bread and help us fight hunger in our community. Tickets are $25. All proceeds benefit the mission of Phoenixville Area Community Services (PACS). Contact Sue Starling for tickets at (610) 454-0963 or [email protected].

Trip to Morris Arboretum

After a year of good work in the beautiful gardens of St. John’s our Garden Party is going on a fall adventure to the Morris Arboretum. You are invited to join them on Tuesday, October 17 (rain date is October 24). Transportation will be by car pool, leaving St. John’s at 9:30 a.m. and returning…

Reformation Day Christian Education Hour – Fun for Adults and Children

Christians all over the world are recognizing the 500th anniversary of the posting of the 95 theses by Martin Luther. This act began the Reformation, which changed the Church, politics, theology, and society. As Lutherans, we are always Re-Forming. On Reformation weekend, please wear red, the color of celebration, and plan to attend worship as…

An Invitation from Bishop Burkat to Together in Hope: Lutherans and Catholics Mark Reformation Anniversary

Lutherans and Catholics will mark the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation with an ecumenical seminar and worship. The event – 1517-2017, From Conflict to Communion—Together in Hope – features a seminar highlighting the common commemoration between Lutherans and Catholics for this anniversary. The Rev. Donald McCoid, bishop emeritus of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod, and Dr. John Borelli of Georgetown University will lift…