Events (Page 4)

Felix Hell – Concert Organist

On Sunday, October 13th, at 4:00 p.m., St. John’s is honored to present concert organist Felix Hell.  Mr. Hell, a native of Germany, is one of the most sought-after concert organists in the world.  He has been featured as a recitalist and concerto soloist in more than 850 concerts throughout North America, Europe, Asia and…

Women of the ELCA

WELCA will meet at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 24th.  Toni and Buzz Hadfield will be joining us along with at least one therapy dog.  It will definitely be a “love” session.  Included on the agenda is a hymn devotion, catch up on personal summer happenings, and calendar planning for 2024-2025.  Although we did not…

Lutheran 101

Pastor Russ will be teaching a six-week Bible study called “Lutheran 101” on Sunday mornings from September 15th through October 20th during the Faith Formation hour. The class will look at Lutheran history and theology and talk about how Lutherans (and particularly St. John’s Lutherans) live out our faiths in the 21st century.  Whether you’re interested…

First Bible

Join us for First Bible Sunday on September 29th as we celebrate a special milestone for our 3rd graders, who will receive their very own Bibles during the service!  This marks the beginning of their journey into deeper Bible study, with classes offered on October 6th, 13th, and 20th during the Sunday school hour.  If…

Youth Lock-In

September 27-28 at 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Hey middle and high schoolers! You’re invited to a church lock-in starting on Friday, September 27th at 6:30 p.m. and ending the next morning, September 28th at 9:00 a.m. Get ready for a night filled with fun, games, worship, and plenty of snacks. It’s going to be…

Rally Day! Classes resume & service moves to 10:15 a.m.

Don’t miss the kick-off of our program year September 8th. Faith formation classes resume September 8th at 9 a.m. with a blessing of our teachers at our Sunday morning service, which will return to its 10:15 a.m. timeslot. We’ll welcome our newest members with a reception immediately after the 10:15 a.m. service. AND our youth…

Movie Night

Join us for a fun-filled family movie night on Saturday, September 7th at 6:00 p.m.!  Bring the whole family and settle in for popcorn, and a cozy evening together.  Pizza and refreshments will also be provided.  It’s the perfect way to relax, enjoy some quality time, and connect with other families in our church community. …

Phoenixville Area Time Bank Annual Pasta Party

Enjoy authentic Italian cuisine and take a chance to win a gift basket while supporting  the Phoenixville Area Time Bank by participating in annual Italian pasta party, to be held this year on October 26th!  PATB’s take-out dinner features Nick Castellano’s traditional Italian gravy (meatballs and sausage) and pasta.  Spaghetti squash is offered as an…

End-of-Summer Tailgate Party & Backpack Blessing

Plan to join us for an End-of-Summer Tailgate Party on Friday, August 23rd beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the back parking lot of St. John’s.   Everyone is invited for music, yard games, fun and fellowship. BYOB and BYOLC (bring your own lawn chair!)  Pastor Russ will be blessing backpacks! We are asking that everyone who…

Women of the ELCA

WELCA will meet at 10:30 am on Tuesday, June 4th to help put together items for VBS.  All women of St. John’s are invited to join us.  This is the final meeting  this spring.  We will continue to collect toiletries,  cards, tote bags, and Redner’s tapes. All collected items should be left in the narthex.