Events (Page 8)

Children’s Advent-Christmas Pageant

During the sermon time on December 17th, there will be a special presentation from the Sunday School classes of the Advent-Christmas story. This is a great time to celebrate and reflect as we approach the holidays, and we would love to see the pews filled for the occasion!

Philadelphia Handbell Ensemble

St. John’s again invites listeners to experience music of the holiday season with the exceptional Philadelphia Handbell Ensemble, 4 p.m., Sunday, December 3rd. The program, entitled “Jingle Bells,” will be directed by Ron Bellamy and features sacred and secular handbell arrangements for the holiday season. The concert will send you into the night with the warmth…

Stewardship Weekend

October marked the official start of the march to Stewardship Sunday.  This year, the Stewardship Committee is focusing on the time and talent portion of our mission first. During November, people will continue to give “temple talks” to tell you what their group or committee is about.  We’re hoping you find something that interests you…

Community Thanksgiving Eve Worship

Please plan to attend the Community Thanksgiving Eve Worship service offered by the Phoenixville Area Clergy Association on November 22nd at 7:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, at 865 Main Street in Phoenixville.  Come and give thanks!

Providence Chamber Orchestra Concert

The thirty-member Providence Chamber Orchestra presents the first concert of its 2023-2024 season, 4:00 p.m., Sunday, November 19th, at St. John’s.  Selections include: Gustav Holst‘s Brook Green Suite, H. 190, which was written in 1933 for St Paul’s Girls’ School orchestra, for strings and consists of three movements; Sarabande et Rigaudon, a brief “concert pair” by Camille Saint-Saëns;…

God’s Work, Our Hands Work Day

“God’s work. Our hands.” is an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America initiative– one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.  St. John’s Property Committee is embracing this church-wide ministry for service opportunities by having a Property Committee led, all-church, family service day as we prepare our grounds and building for the coming…

All Saints Weekend

On November 4th & 5th, we will remember the saints that have gone before us by gathering in the columbarium on Sunday morning, beginning the service with a bagpiper, who will then lead the congregation to the sanctuary for the rest of the service. Saints who have died since last November 6th will be listed…

Reformation Weekend

We will observe the 506th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of the 95 Theses on the church door in Wittenberg, Germany, on Reformation weekend, October 28th and 29th. We wear red in recognition of the movement that changed the world.

Peter Richard Conte, Organist

Marian Dorward Memorial Concert Peter Richard Conte’s nearly unparalleled technical facility, brilliant ear for lush tonal color, and innovative programming style have made him one of the most sought-after “orchestral” organists of this era. In 1989, he was appointed Wanamaker Grand Court Organist at what is now the Macy’s Department Store in downtown Philadelphia—the fourth…