Pentecost Sunday

The Festival of Pentecost is celebrated as the birth of the Church.  We wear red in celebration of the day that the gift of the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples of Jesus after his Ascension into Heaven.  Please wear red on May 18th and 19th.

Foreign Language Speakers Wanted

On Sunday, May 19th, as part of the Pentecost service, we are planning to have foreign language speakers read a short passage from the lesson.  Volunteers are asked to contact Sonya and state which language you can speak. The verses will be sent to you ahead of time so you can practice.  Foreign language students are encouraged to volunteer. 

Pentecost Geraniums

St. John’s celebrates Pentecost and Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) by parishioners wearing red clothing, by displaying red paraments, and by placing red geraniums around the altar.  The congregation is encouraged to sponsor one or more plants by signing up on the chart in the hallway or by contacting Sonya in the church office. Dedications are welcome in honor of -, in memory of -, or to the Glory of God.  Geraniums are $ 9.00 per plant.  Please order before May 13th.  Make checks payable to St. John’s and write “Pentecost Geraniums” on the memo line.  Plants may be taken home following the service on May 19th.  Red geraniums are deer resistant and will add color to your landscape all summer!