Christians all over the world are recognizing the 500th anniversary of the posting of the 95 theses by Martin Luther. This act began the Reformation, which changed the Church, politics, theology, and society. As Lutherans, we are always Re-Forming. On Reformation weekend, please wear red, the color of celebration, and plan to attend worship as well as a special Sunday school hour. While we are not revealing all the surprises for that time, we will have things of interest for all ages:
Show & Tell table—-you are invited to bring in any Luther or German memorabilia, such as photos, travel books, souvenirs, etc. to share with others.
Photos with Martin Luther—individuals, families, classes, and other groups are invited to pose with this impressive life-size figure.
Rick Steves’ Martin Luther DVD, “Luther and the Reformation”—part information, part travelogue, to be shown in the Fireside Room.