Spring is officially here and we are preparing to clean up and mulch the gardens around the church. It’s a great opportunity to get some fresh air and exercise while serving your church! Tasks include raking, weeding, and raking through the old mulch in preparation for laying down new mulch the following weekend. All these activities will enhance the beauty of our church grounds. Dates for these activities are 4/16-4/18 and 4/23-4/25. We will keep individuals and family groups separated from one another and sanitize tools between shifts to maintain Covid-19 precautions. If you have questions about what you can do to help please call Lynn Titus (484-924-8656) or Bobbi Riley (610-955-8851). If you need help signing up, please call Lynn or Sonya Sowards, Parish Administrator (610-933-3947). Here is the link to the sign up: