What’s The WAY? It’s a time of learning about God, our community of faith and yourself as you are “on the way” of following Jesus.
When is The WAY? It begins on Sunday, March 10th, with dinner at the home of Pastor Cindy Krommes and John Stong at 5 p.m. From Sunday, March 17th through April 28th (not counting Easter) it meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in Kley Hall. Don’t worry if you need to miss a week or two, for there is a notebook to help you catch up.
Why, The WAY? To grow in depth of understanding God’s Word and God’s Way in your life and the world.
Who is in The WAY? Led by our Welcoming Team, the WAY invites all those who are interested being baptized and/or joining St. John’s. Each newcomer is paired with a member of the congregation who serves as their guide.
How do I become part of The WAY? Connect with Pastor Krommes at (610) 933-3947 or [email protected].