A member of St. John’s once said she loved being part of a congregation that “gives our children the world.” Our global ministry involves children, youth and adults in both long-term and short-term mission throughout the world. Since 1997, we have been in a missionary partnership with Dr. Mark and Linda Jacobson in Arusha, Tanzania. We support Selian Lutheran Hospital and helped to build the new Arusha Lutheran Medical Center in northern Tanzania. Since 2004, we have sponsored five students at the MaaSae Girls Lutheran Secondary School in Monduli, Tanzania. Other long-term mission projects include Refugee Resettlement, Fair Trade Sales and World Hunger Relief. Short-term projects include raising money for disaster relief throughout the world, most recently in Haiti.
Selian and Arusha Lutheran Hospitals
A group of 11 people from St. John’s traveled to Tanzania in September 2010 to support our Missionaries, visit the hospitals, participate in a “hands-on” mission project and continue our relationship with the MaaSae Girls Lutheran Secondary School in Moduli, Tanzania. To learn more about Selian and Arusha Lutheran Hospitals, visit these web-sites: www.almc.habari.co.tz and www.selianlh.habari.co.tz.
MaaSae Girls Lutheran Secondary School – Each year we provide full scholarships for five girls at the school through our Angel Tree as well as other gifts. Our students love to write to us and so pen pals are needed. You can learn more about the MaaSae Girls school through this website: www.isa.nl/TanzaniaProject/mglss.html. Refugee Resettlement – Serving with Lutheran Immigrant and Refugee Services Other Global Ministry