What can I expect if I come to St. John’s?
Wherever you are in your own journey of faith, or even if you aren’t certain that you have a journey of faith, you will be welcomed by a community that spans six generations. All are invited to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion at our worship services. Our building is handicapped friendly with easy accessibility to the church sanctuary.
Where can I park?
There are two major parking areas, one on the west side of the campus, next to the church and the other on the east side near the faith formation wing. The west side parking area has a number of handicapped accessible spaces.
Where do my children go?
We invite you to bring your children to worship. There is a special children’s sermon at our Sunday morning worship services. Activities bags for children are available in the narthex (lobby).
Child care for infants through kindergartners takes place in our nursery on Sunday mornings. Ask an ushers for directions to the room. If an infant needs some quiet time with a parent, they are welcome to sit in the Fireside Room or the narthex. The worship service can be heard in either place.
Children, ages 2 through high school, are invited to attend faith formation classes from 9-10 a.m., September through May. There are several different learning opportunities for adults during the Sunday school hour.
Can I bring my coffee?
You are welcome to bring your coffee or to enjoy a complimentary cup at our fellowship time in Kley Hall at 8:30 a.m. From Memorial Day through Labor Day, fellowship time takes place in the garden after 9 a.m. worship.
What if I want to join or am interested in learning more?
Please speak with the pastor or complete a communion card found in the pews and at the back of the sanctuary. You may also contact our pastors or our Parish Administrator, Sonya Sowards, at (610) 933-3947 ext. 2 or [email protected].