Sermons by Pr. Tom Kochenderfer (Page 6)

Pentecost 13B – August 19, 2018

Pr. Michel’s doctor told him he needs to lose weight. Pr. Michel responded, “Of course! I’ve known that for years. But that is easier said than done.” My brother’s doctor told him the same thing. And my brother went on a diet and actually lost 5 pounds. He came up to visit our mother, who at that time was living next to…

Pentecost 12B – August 12, 2018

Many of us have felt what Elijah felt out in the wilderness. “Things are going quickly from bad to worse and I am the only one left who cares!” That was Elijah’s weary response to God. It came after Elijah’s momentous victory over the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel. Elijah not only won that contest, when it was over, he got…

Pentecost 11B – August 5, 2018

There is a story about Oliver Wendel Holmes that takes note of his short stature. A man asked him one day if it didn’t make him feel peculiar sometimes always being around people who were bigger that he was. “Yes” replied Holmes, “ I do feel just like a dime in the midst of a bunch of pennies. The man certainly did…