Events (Page 5)

Car Wash for Appalachia Service Project

We hope to see you on Sunday, June 2nd for our rescheduled annual ASP Car Wash Fundraiser!  Donations will be accepted.  Proceeds benefit our July trip to Virginia with Appalachia Service Project, an organization that seeks to make homes warmer, safer, and drier via construction projects.  Please pray for our group of 19 adults and…

Summer Book Club

Sunday Morning Book Club continues monthly in the summer, hosted by individuals.  Our first meeting will be June 12th at 7 p.m. to discuss “Someone Else’s Shoes” by Jojo Moyes.  Contact coordinator Jean Herbranson ([email protected]) for details about this and other summer meetings. 

Pentecost Sunday

The Festival of Pentecost is celebrated as the birth of the Church.  We wear red in celebration of the day that the gift of the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples of Jesus after his Ascension into Heaven.  Please wear red on May 18th and 19th. Foreign Language Speakers Wanted On Sunday, May 19th, as…

Phoenixville Pride

All are welcome to join the Social Ministry Committee at Phoenixville Pride on Bridge Street on Saturday, June 8th!  St. John’s will be hosting a vendor table handing out free water bottles to the community.  Want to help?  We need volunteers to help monitor the table, hand out bottles, and to donate cases of water.…

Family Movie Night

Join us on Saturday, June 8th at 6:00 p.m. for a family-friendly movie night.  Watch The Prince of Egypt with us on the big screen and enjoy a pizza feast! If you plan on attending, please sign up via the Google Form so we know how many pies to order.  Don’t forget to Bring Your…

Graduation Sunday

If you or someone you know is graduating from high school, college, or trade school this year, please help us celebrate them by submitting their name and a sentence about their plans after graduation.  We will be including this list of names in the bulletin on Sunday, June 2nd, as well as naming our annual…

Youth Night at Stryke Force Laser Tag, West Chester

All youth grades 6-12 are welcome to celebrate summer kick-off + the newly confirmed 2024 cohort with an activity night at Stryke Force Laser Tag in West Chester on May 19th!  We will meet at the church at 3:30 p.m. and return at 5:30 p.m. Tickets cost $30.  To register, please go to

Lutheran Night at the Phillies

Join us at Citizens Bank Park for Lutheran Night at the Phillies!  This fundraiser benefits the Southeastern Pennsylvania Youth Programs.  We will be organizing a carpool caravan, so stay tuned for more details!  Tickets are $45/person and can be paid via cash or check.  Please click this link to sign up before May 22nd:

Appalachia Service Project Car Wash

On Sunday, May 5th, bring your car to church anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. for our annual ASP Car Wash Fundraiser.  You can rest assured knowing we will treat your ride with the utmost care while you attend Sunday worship or run a couple of errands, or if you’d like to hang around…

WELCA Retreat

Renew, Restore, Refresh:  Growing in Our Relationship with God through Prayer As followers of Jesus, prayer is one of the most important ways we grow in our relationship with God.  The more we talk and spend time with someone, the more we get to know them.  As we spend time with God in prayer, the…